My god where to start! Well, I'll just blurt it out! I
LOVE second hand stuff! I love to go to resale, thrift. Garage sales,flea markets, Antique shops, Antique malls, Vintage anything
I AM THERE!!! .... anywhere I can get cute stuff for a small price! Where did it start? I so blame Chicago! I got my
first real taste while in college there. ok. maybe that isn't entirely true I did like flea markets when I was young I still have this wonderful old frame I got for a few bucks (back when I was about 8) and will never part with til it's pried from my dead cold fingers!!! However, I would throw a hissy fit if someone would even mention going to a Garage Sale! Crazy kids! anyhoo....

Don't you just LOVE the neat stuff I can get for practically nothing it sure beats paying full retail! and basically the older the more unique the item,lets face it not many things are left standing unless it was tucked away in someones closet for the last century! and 9 out of 10 these things were made to last unlike today's throw away theory of making merchandise!
Plus who doesn't just like to relax by takeing a day going out and going to random cute shops and searching for that one small thing that could cheer up your whole day???
Lately, I figured going out and taking a walk on my lunch was a good way to get exercise and to visit area shops! Mind you not all were vintage shops but who could really resist! right!
Plus the artist in me was takeing pictures of things I could use in my digital montages so I have dual purpose!!!! To the left is a sweet shop she is more retail that looks vintage BUT... due to the lovely quality of" The Lofts" goods it's still some happy eye candy!

these wonderful flowers and these vintage lanterns who could resist but to soak them in! Plus to add to the ambiance alot of the buildings here are made with limestone that was mined here a hundred years ago. they are the coolest walls ever and as you can see only make older vintage-ish things more enticing!

I would so kill to have a Apt or home with these kind of stone walls in it! Let's face it todays stuff is nice BUT nothing can beat the look of this wonderful old masonry! and yes, I am a sucker for old doors the more beaten or ornate the better!!! Alot of these jems still exist here and no one tends to truly appreciate them but me! How many people take the time to truly stop and look at everything around them everyday, OR go out to explore if only for a short (HOT) afternoon walk??? I mean seriously... How fabulous is this door! I think I am near one of the richest alleys in the world! Of course to most it would look like a broke down beat up walk to your death... (only if dark! lol.) But old doors and signs as well as older ornamental architectural decoration like old rusty stars still adorn it and make the walk that much more enjoyable to me at least! Anyway, I am sure you think I am just insane...

and to finish off my short but hApPy walking tour I did finally come out of my state of AwE and meandered into Mickey's Massive Burrito! (No, I am not much for burritos, sadly I am NOT into rice... however there's are very worthy of the name the things are insanely HUGE! I think if I could deal with the rice..... I would love them too!
Hey! and guess what the dining area GREAT ViNtAgE appeal! You wouldn't be able to guess that drew me in right?! I mean check it out! is this not sweet!
The front is rather Modern.....
However, inside is rather quarky (signs on the wall: A Taco a day keeps the Doctor away....
Got the Blues Eat a Burrito!
Mickeys's most wanted.
and Burritos Rock!
there are old metal signs and wonderful Photographs for your viewing pleasure....
Plus not to mention you can get Fanta Rootbeer and RC! What is not to love!

Plus I am totally addicted to their grub!
This just happens to be their steak
yes, it was jumbled around from my walk... but it still looks yummy! and yep, tastes as good as it looks too!
and yes.... I got very weird looks from the people in the lunch room for taking pictures of my food before I ate it.....
Doesn't everyone do that????
Anyway, go check out Mickeys site!
Now that I made you hungry I will see you later alligator! Chow!
This is great-love your blog!